In the early days of Dentrix, memory and disk storage space were expensive and premium resources. Consequently, the number of characters you could use to describe fee schedule names, patient alerts, medical conditions, allergies, and medications was limited. Dentrix users learned to become very creative with abbreviations.
As time has passed and storage space and memory are no longer a modern concern, we’ve heard from you—our customers—that this is a source of frustration! In recent updates to Dentrix, the development team has adjusted the program to allow longer descriptions in several areas. You can now be much more descriptive with your fee schedule names, elaborate and expand patient alert descriptions, or fully spell out long medication names in Health History.
In recent updates, Dentrix has offered more room to be descriptive in the following areas:
- Fee Schedule Names (increased from 7 characters to 50)
- Patient Alert description (increased from 16 characters to 64)
- Medical conditions, allergies, and medications (increased from 20 characters to 80)
Now, instead of getting creative with abbreviations that your team has to learn and decipher, you can spell out exactly what you mean to say.

Also, within the Treatment Planner, you have additional space in these areas:
- Treatment Plan Case Notes (increased from 4,000 characters to 8,000)
- Treatment Plan Informed Consent Forms (increased from 5,000 characters to 10,000)
So, if your office has a lengthy descriptive narrative or agreement that you’d like your patients to receive, feel free to edit those documents and include all of the words that you need to say it.