It’s very likely that you will ask your established patients to complete certain questionnaire forms at each visit, such as completing a Health History Update once a year. Or perhaps your office has begun asking patients to complete a health screening form by phone or online a few days before their appointment, and then again in person on the day of their appointment. You might find it helpful to be able to compare the patient’s answers between the current and previous submissions to get an idea of what, if anything, has changed. 

As you collect these new responses from Questionnaire forms, it may appear that the patient’s old responses have disappeared from the Questionnaires module. Not so!

By default, Dentrix only displays your patients’ most recent responses, but the old ones are still saved. To view previous responses to old questionnaires, in the Questionnaires module, from the View menu, click List All.

The Questionnaires module also has a side-by-side comparison option, which allows you to look at the previous response right next to the current one. This makes the task of comparing information a simple one.  To enable this side-by-side option, from the View menu, click View Mode, and then click the Compare with Previous icon (in the lower-right corner of the window, next to the Close button).


For additional information, see the various topics under Questionnaire View Options in Dentrix Help.