Dentrix allows you to adjust the intervals between continuing care visits on a patient-by-patient basis. For example, your default prophy schedule is six months between visits, but you can customize that interval to be every four months for a patient with poor hygiene who you’d like to see more frequently.
When you adjust continuing care intervals for individual patients, their due dates will reflect these new intervals, but the rest of your patients will still be assigned the default intervals.
How To
- With a patient selected in the Chart, click the Continuing Care button.
- Double-click the continuing care type you want to customize.
- Click the search button next to the Due Date field, change the interval to reflect the amount of time that should elapse between the patient’s continuing care visits, and click OK.
Additional Tips
- If you want the continuing care interval to extend an extra day to prevent insurance billing problems, in the Set Interval dialog box, check the +1 Day option.
- When a continuing care interval is changed, the patient’s due date is automatically updated to reflect the new interval period. You can also manually reset the due date by typing the date in the New Due Date field after you set the interval.